EOTB: Changelog - Alpha 1.0.2

New Features and Updates

  • Level 0: Unique Playable Map
    • Added Level 0 as the only playable map for now.
    • Introduced the first entity, Bacteria, common to Level 0.
  • Player Mechanics
    • Players can now run and crouch.
    • Implemented VHS post-processing effects, fish-eye lens, and sharpen effects for a more immersive experience.
  • Entity AI: Bacteria
    • Basic AI for Bacteria entity with the following behaviors:
      • Chase Player: Bacteria will actively pursue players.
      • AI Patrol: Moves freely around the map.
      • Distortion Effects: Applies visual distortion effects when chasing players.
      • Instakill: Instantly kills the player upon contact.
      • Sound Detection: Listens for player footsteps to locate them.
  • Communication
    • Enabled proximity-based voice chat for players to communicate during gameplay.
    • Added text chat functionality in the lobby for easier communication before the game starts.
  • Multiplayer
    • Implemented multiplayer system via Steam. Ensure Steam is running in the background to play multiplayer sessions.

Upcoming Features

  • New Map: Level 4
    • Adding Level 4, known as Abandoned Office, based on the official Backrooms wiki. This level is still in development but will be playable soon.
  • Level 0 Exit Door
    • Working on adding an exit door in Level 0 that will lead to the next level in future updates.
  • New Entities
    • Future updates will include Partygoers and Skin Stealers.

Known Issues:

  • Steam Profile Avatar Not Loading
    • An issue has been identified where the Steam profile avatar does not load in any way. This issue is under investigation, and a solution is expected in future updates.
  • Bacteria Entity Stops Pursuing at Times
    • Some players have experienced that the Bacteria entity stops pursuing at times. We are working on a solution for this issue and it will be addressed in an upcoming update.
  • Latency Meter Shows 9,999 Total Inexplicably
    • I am aware of an issue where the latency meter may display a total of 9,999 inexplicably. Rest assured, I am looking into this and will provide a fix as soon as possible.


Echoes of the Backrooms - Alpha 1.0.2
14 days ago

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I can't join my friend on steam or with the research serveur featured in your game, do you have any ideas why ? We have obviously put the steam apid in the right place.

I will assume that the problem occurs when trying to find the server that one of you has created. To fix this error, you need to allow the game through the firewall. Commonly, when you go to the server list, a pop-up window will appear asking if you want to allow the game or not. You should also make sure that both you and your friend see in Steam that you are playing a game called "Spacewar". If so, there shouldn't be any issues. Remember to have Steam open in the background.

Additionally, this error was supposed to have been fixed in Alpha 1.0.3